Dyakova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

Leading Researcher
Doctor of Political Sciences

Тел.: +7 (495) 951-21-80

Эл. почта: diakova65@mail.ru

Description of professional specialization

He is engaged in research of modern political processes, studying issues related to the social policy of the state and social issues in Latin American countries, and the role of civil society. A significant number of works are devoted to the peculiarities of the political development of Chile, the problems of democratic transition, the specifics of the Chilean model of democracy, the evolution of political parties, electoral processes, public sentiments

Information about thesis defense:

Defended a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Political Sciences on the topic “The evolution of democracy and the formation of a modern model of socio-political development: the experience of Chile” (2019)

Defended a dissertation for the degree of candidate of political sciences on the topic “The humanistic movement in Argentina and Chile: worldview and practice (1960-90s)” (1995)

Членство и участие:

Member of the Academic Council of the ILA RAS

Member of the Association of Researchers of the Ibero-American World (AIIM).